Thursday, February 17, 2011

Welcome To Operation: DAD

When I was growing up as a young kid I often drempt about what I would do when I finally grew up.  Of course I was heavily influenced by 80's television.  I wanted to be motorcycle cop like Jon Baker on CHiPs, a stunt driver like Bo Duke on the Dukes of Hazzard or a fighter pilot like "Maverick" on Top Gun.  As you can probably tell, I was drawn to high adrenaline activities.  Now I am looking back as I sit in my office chair behind a computer screen wondering what happened to all of those dreams.  Often the question that comes to mind in moments like this are: am I a failure as a man? 

Ah... Hang on - I have to go deal with my kids... Don't they ever sleep?

I guess that this is my point.  I can't define myself by what I never was and what I will never be.  What I need to do is to be okay with the fact that I am a best described as a Husband and Father.  After all there are other people depending on me to complete this operation.  And a daughter that is calling me to wipe her butt.